Terms and conditions


The following terms and conditions (T&Cs) aim to clearly set out the understanding and contractual basis on which any booking made with Tanya Breed trading as Summit To Star and/or Pranavi Ishaya will be conducted.  These terms and conditions explain what you can expect from Summit To Star and/or Pranavi Ishaya and what Summit To Star and/or Pranavi Ishaya expects from you, the client, or where a booking is made on behalf of other participants, the client and the participants.

These terms and conditions have been written with the intention to be clear and understandable.  If you have any trouble understanding the document or have any questions or queries regarding its content please get in touch with us.

Definitions (marked in italics through the document body text)

Activity – an activity (for example a course, , session, lesson or workshop etc.) provided by us.

Booking – the specific arrangements you make with, and confirmed by, us, for you to participate in an activity.

Client(s) –  the person or organisation making the booking  with, or purchase from, Summit To Star and/or Pranavi Ishaya

Registration Form – the Medical Information and Consent Form provided by us.

Participant(s) – those people taking part in an activity, whether booked by themselves or by the client on their behalf.

Private activity – an activity for the sole participation or purpose of the client and/or their participants, not open to attendance by the general public.

Public/open activity – an activity that is open to the general public for booking and attendance.

Terms and conditions – these terms and conditions.

Us’ or ‘We’ means Tanya Breed trading as Summit To Star and/or Pranavi Ishaya.

You’ means the Client and/or the Participants, as appropriate.

Assumption of risk

By participating in an activityyou agree that you will follow all safety instructions given to you by the staff delivering the activity.   You also understand that you must take reasonable responsibility for your own safety where appropriate.  All reasonable precautions will be taken by us to keep you safe, but it must be understood that minor injuries can happen as part of activities.  During the activity, it is your responsibility to look after your own personal belongings and your vehicle; we will not be held liable for any loss or damage to your personal belongings sustained during the activity.

You are advised to obtain your own insurance, if you consider this necessary.

Disclosure of medical

You must advise us about any medical condition (and/or medication being taken) which affects your daily health and may impact on your involvement in the activity on the Registration Form before the activity starts.  Should medical information have changed since the time of the booking and/or supplying us with the Registration Formyou must provide details of these changes to the lead member of staff delivering the activity, before the activity commences.  You must bring with you any medication you might need to safely manage a known medical condition, for example inhalers for asthma, or adrenalin auto-injectors for anaphylaxis; we reserve the right to not provide the activity to you if you fail to bring such medication.

Operating conditions

Sometimes it may not be safe for us to provide an activity at the location originally plannedfor example due to weather conditions, or other factors which could affect safety.  In these circumstances, we reserve the right to provide the activity at an alternative location and will do our best to ensure that this has minimal impact on the activity, but this may require you to travel further, incur longer journey time or incur additional costs.  If an alternative location cannot be found, it may be necessary for us to cancel an activity.  The decision to cancel an activity on safety grounds will be at the sole discretion of us. If we decide to cancel an activity for safety reasons we will contact you at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss the best course of action which may involve providing the activity at an alternative time or date, providing a credit for an alternative activity or providing you with a refund.

Personal possessions

You are responsible for your own personal possessions. We will not be liable in contract or negligence for any damage or losses to your possessions, you choose to take on, or use during the activity.  You are advised to hold your own insurance to cover damages and loss to your possessions.

Booking an activity

We will normally ask you for full payment before you take part in an activity.  Any booking will be provisional and will not be binding until we have received full payment or you have agreed with us that you will be invoiced for the activity; at that point the booking will become binding.

We do not want your financial situation to be a barrier to you participating. If you want to make a booking but you are unable to make full payment please discuss this with us before making the booking.

Where the client is booking on behalf of other participants the client must inform all participants of the terms and conditions. The participants’ acceptance of these terms and conditions is deemed to have been given by the client at the time of booking.

Payment of additional fees & costs

Unless expressly included as part of your bookingwe are not responsible for paying any additional costs or fees, including but not limited to car park (or parking fine) charges, accomodation, food and/or drink or other consequential losses which you might incur if an activity is cancelled, changed or re-scheduled.

Late arrivals

In fairness to all participants we kindly ask you to arrive in good time for the activity you have booked to enable us to commence at the planned start time.  Should you arrive late for, or not be ready to start a Public/open activity at its published start time, we reserve the right to commence the activity without you. In some circumstances this might mean you are unable to participate in the activitywe will not normally provide a refund in these circumstances.

Cancellation of an activity by us

Due to unforeseen circumstances, (including occasions where we do not have sufficient participation to make an activity commercially viable, it may be necessary for us to cancel an activity.  We will give you as much notice of this as is possible. We may be able to provide alternative arrangements, such as bringing in an alternative provider to deliver the activity, reschedule the activity, change the location or offer a refund.  Any additional costs or losses (for example, travel or accommodation) incurred by you as a result of us cancelling an activity will not be reimbursed by us.  

Cancellation of or amendments to a booking by you

It may be necessary for you to cancel your booking for an activity.  You must inform us as soon as possible so that we may make alternative arrangements. Depending on when you cancel your booking in relation to the activity date, we will, unless otherwise explicitly agreed with you, or it is stated in the shop product details, refund you any payment that you have made, or charge you where we have agreed to invoice you, on the following basis:

  • Cancellation of a booking for any activity, more than 2 weeks before the activity date – 75% refund / 25% charge by invoice.
  • Cancellation of a booking for any activity within 2 weeks before the activity date – no refund / 100% charge by invoice.

It may be necessary for you to amend your booking with us, for example changing a booking for a private activity to a different time, date. location or type of activity, or you might want to change your booking on a public/open activity to one on another date or time.  Where you need to do this, we will do our best to accommodate your request, but cannot guarantee we will be able to make the changes you request.  Where we can accommodate the changes you request, there will be a charge (calculated as a % of the original booking cost) for making these changes, on the following basis:

  • Change to a booking for any activity, more than 2 weeks before the activity date – 15% charge.
  • Change to a booking for any activity, between 2 weeks and 7 days before the activity date – 50% charge.
  • Change to a booking for a private activity, between 6 days and 2 days before the activity date – 75% charge.
  • Change to a booking for a public/open activity, between 6 days and 2 days before the activity date – 90% charge
  • Change to a booking for any activity, less than 2 days before the activity date – 90% charge.

Where we are unable to accommodate the changes you request or unable to agree other suitable arrangements for the activity with you, our cancellation terms apply.

If you wish to make changes to a booking for which you have used a Gift Voucher in lieu of payment or part payment, the activity must still be taken before the ‘activity to be taken before’ date.

If you wish to discuss these cancellation and amendment terms with us, please do this before completing your booking.

Payment of Invoice

If we have agreed to invoice you (or your organisation/business), the standard terms for an invoice (the time in which we expect to receive cleared payment) is 30 days from when it is sent to you (unless an alternative timescale has been agreed prior).  Please note that if a payment becomes late we may charge a payment recovery fee and interest on the owed amount – for more details please refer to https://www.gov.uk/late-commercial-payments-interest-debt-recovery/charging-interest-commercial-debt for details.  We will contact you in advance of applying these late payment charges to see if an agreement can be found as to when the invoice will be paid.  If you will be unable to pay an invoice on time, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the matter.

Gift Vouchers

We may sell or otherwise provide Gift Vouchers which can be used in lieu of payment for an activity

Gift Vouchers have an ‘activity to be taken before’ date specifying the date by which any activity must be taken. It is your responsibility to make a suitable booking with us, against which the Gift Voucher can be used, such that the activity is taken before the specified ‘activity to be taken before’ date.  Gift Vouchers will not be accepted in lieu of payment for activities to be taken after the ‘activity to be taken before’ date.

Gift Vouchers may, at the sole discretion of us, be used in part payment against an activity of a higher cost than that for which the Gift Voucher was purchased or for a different activity; in these circumstances we will normally require you to pay the difference in cost between the activities

Where you have completed a booking  with us  (for a public/open activity or private activity) for which you have used a Gift Voucher in lieu of payment, the above cancellation and booking amendment terms apply, except that we will not make a refund in circumstances where Gift Vouchers have been used in lieu of payment.

If you wish to discuss these Gift Voucher terms with us, please do this before purchasing a Gift Voucher.


Complaints and appeals

We will always do our best to ensure that you have the best experience during your activity with us, however should you have a complaint about the service we have provided, please contact us as soon as is possible and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

Before engaging in any activity with Summit To Star and/or Pranavi Ishaya please ensure you have read, understood and agree to these terms and conditions.  Should you need to discuss anything with us further please do so as soon as possible.

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